Legend of Kyrandia Trilogy [Request] download pc games for free

b>Legend of Kyrandia 1

The story revolves around an evil character called Malcolm. He has stolen a powerful artefact and declared himself the ruler of Kyrandia. Of course, you are there to stop his diabolical scheme! However, it will not be simple. You will have to take a lot of things into account, and each of your actions will have an effect on the world of Kyrandia.

Your task will be to journey across Kyrandia and collect artefacts that are required to enter the castle. Then you must acquire another powerful artefact that will enable you to fight Malcolm, the evil court jester. During your journey, you will meet various characters - magical beings, wizards, dragons, and other life forms - both real and imaginary, that will keep the game interesting. You have a challenging set of tasks ahead of you, so don't expect to complete this game very quickly.




Legend of Kyrandia 2: The Hand Of Fate

In this second part of the trilogy you play the part of Zanthia, the youngest of the order of Kyrandia mystics. The story goes like this: Kyrandia is slowly dissapearing (trees vanishing into thin air right before your eyes and things like that). The only solution to save the land is to find the anchorstone, located in the centre of the world.



Legend of Kyrandia 3: Malcolms Revenge

Malcolm's Revenge is the third in the Legend of Kyrandia series and is played from the 'evil' jester's point of view. But is Malcolm really as evil as he seemed in game one? In this game we see the character in greater depth and what we discover about him is amazing. He comes across as more of a misunderstood, though testy, character who does have a noble side. And, of course, a very funny one, too. Think Saruman (Lord Of The Rings) meets the Grinch. For the observer of human nature, this is a fun-filled psychological journey revealing what makes Kyrandia's bad boy really tick. The player can also adapt Malcolm's mood to every encounter with a click on the innovative 'mood meter'.

